Rose Ranch
An adventure in Jones, Oklahoma
Products & Prices
March 2021: We are taking orders for halves & quarters. A half might weigh between 160 - 170 pounds ("take-home" weight). Please note that the size of the animal, the amount of fat, the grade of the meat, and the amount of trimming and boning done by the processor all affect the cuts of meat you will receive. Although every side of beef is unique, a side usually includes approximately:
If you are interested in ordering a quarter or half, please contact us. We currently (March 2021) charge $6.75 per pound, with $100 deposit and the balance due the day before your processing date. Additional options are available: extra boning, make patties, etc. -- please contact us for options/pricing. We accept cash, checks and PayPal. After processing, you can pick up your meat directly from the local Oklahoma Department of Agriculture-approved facility in Edmond.
Please email us at
vicrose (at) roseranchjones (dot) com
Please email us at
vicrose (at) roseranchjones (dot) com to place your order.
Sorry - no individual cuts are currently available, although we do have ground beef. (March 2021)